Fee Collection Settings Overview

Collect Fee Settings:

You can set permissions to staff roles for performing various actions on screen.

  • Roles: Displays the list of all the registered roles.
  • Roles can be granted permission by selecting the precise checkboxes.

Collect Fee Display and Information:

  • You can select a default mode of payment from the screen. However, You can change the mode of payment from the collect fee page during actual fee collection.
  • You can rearrange the fee types in the order in which you want them to appear on the collect fee page.
  • You can save the ‘Cheque Bearer Name’ in the settings
  • Fee type preference selection
    1. It helps in Auto Fee Allocation. It also helps in fee reallocation (changing the Student fee category after fee collection)

Fee Collection General Settings

  • Fee Certificate – Authorised Signatory
    1. If some signatory is chosen, say for example Principal, and his signature is stored in his data, then the signature would automatically be added in the Fee Certificate downloaded.
  • Lock Fee Collection
    1. If the admin wants to do changes in the fee settings and wants to halt fee collection or any other transactions, then he/she can switch it on for a while.
    2. Once switched on, fee collection would be disabled from admin, parent and all other profiles.
    3. Once settings are done, admin can switch it off, post which fee collection can be resumed by any user.
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