Fee Concession Report

> Fee > Fee Reports > Fee Concession Report

This report gives a  detailed report on fee concession allocated and paid concession Class wise or Student wise.

If Day wise concession is selected, it gives the day wise details on concession paid by the students based on each fee receipts paid by them.

Explanation of filters:

  • The academic session can be selected to see the concession details pertaining to a particular session.
  • Eg. Suppose 2017 – 18. Now in that year, there has also been some fee collection of the previous year 2016-17. If a school wants to find out how much concession has been given in this time duration, then they can select Academic Session value as 2016-17.
  • Student Status filter can help School understand the amount of concession that has been given to active students, and the amount of concession that has been given to the students who already left the school
  • Concession name can be filtered out to see some specific concession related info.
  • For day-wise selection, Date range has to be selected to generate the report. Concessions paid out in the selected date range would be shown when this filter is selected.

Concession amount specific information:

  • The Concession Name, Allocation Date and the Availed Concession Amount shown, is the concession pre-defined against a student or a class in a particular year
  • Paid Concession amount gives the amount of concession already given during fee payment
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