How to add and view the visit request?

> Front Office > Visit Management

Records of all the visits can be kept in the visit management. There are three types of visit Approval Pending, Upcoming and OnGoing. Front office executive, Admin, Principal and Security desk can add the visit and can approve the visit except for security desk. If the visit is added by the security check then it will be shown in Approval Pending. Approver needs to approve the visit after that it will be shown in upcoming. Approver can decline the visit. Once the visit is added it will be viewed in Upcoming and when the visit is approved by the authorised person (Front Office Executive, Admin or Principal) it will be viewed in OnGoing.

  1. Select Visit tab on the top of the page.
  2. Click on the right side of the page. The pop-up window will appear to add a visit request.
  3. Click to add Date for visit.
  4. Click to add Start and End Time for a visit.
  5. Select checkcircle against Staff or Student for whom the visitor has come.
    If Staff is selected, the staff member can be searched by his/her Name or Emp ID.
    If Student is selected, the student can be searched by his/her Name or Adm No.
  6. Select checkcircle against Registered or Parent, in Visitor.
    If Registered is selected, the visitor can be searched by Name or Mobile No.

    • If the visitor is not registered then click to add the new visitor in the opened pop-up window. The next pop-up window will appear.
    • Enter Visitor Name, Mobile No., and Organization.
    • Click to take a picture of ID Proof.
    • Select ID Type from the drop-down menu.
    • Enter ID Number.
    • Click ADD.

    If  Parent is selected, the parent can be searched by Name, Student’s Adm No., Mobile No.

  7. Select checkcircle against Personal or Official to select the Purpose of Visit.
  8. Click Add Visit. The visit will be added and can be viewed in Upcoming including Visitor, Host, Visit ID, Scheduled Date & Time and Purpose.

By default, the time duration for the visit will be 60 minutes.

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