How to add the details of a new holding in catalogue?

> Library Management> Catalogue

New holding can be added to the catalogue to keep a record of the new holdings.

  1. Click at the top right corner. The window will appear to create the new holding.
  2. Click check-circle against  Single Copy or Multiple Copies.
    If a single copy is selected then the accession number will be entered in the field.
    If multiple copies are selected then the number of copies will be entered in the field.
  3. Select Holding Type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter ISBN and click Auto Fetch (Details of the holdings will be entered automatically on the basis of ISBN).
  5. Turn on the toggle against the Only For Reference if the book is for reference purpose, it can not be issued to the library members.
  6. Fill in the Title, Authors, Edition, Volume, No. of Pages, Issue No., Publisher and Year of Publishing, Cost, Vendor fields.
  7. Select Date of Purchase and Date of Publishing from the calendar.
  8. Select Category, Subcategory, Location, Sublocation, Condition of the holding from the drop-down menu.
  9. Turn on the toggle against the Lost if the book is missing, it cannot be issued to the library members.
  10. Fill in the Author’s Details field.
  11. Click Save.

The new holding will be added to the catalogue.

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