How to configure fee autonumbering sequence?

> Fee > Fee Autonumbering Sequence

The receipts, challans, and certificates can automatically be numbered.

  1. Click on the right side of the page. The next window will appear.
  2. Enter Sequence Name.
  3. Enter Prefix, Variable and Suffix.
  4. Select checkcircle against Current Session or Specific Sessions.
    If specific sessions is selected then select the desired session/sessions.
  5. Select checkcircle against the desired sequence in the given sequences.
  6. Click ADD. The autonumbering sequence will be added and shown on the page.

    In case if there are any active auto-numbering sequence for Fee Category Reallocation Receipt, Refund Receipt, Reconciliation Number, Transport Reallocation Receipt, Wallet Recharge Receipt and Wallet Withdrawal Receipt template types, that will be automatically deactivated, and this sequence will be activated.


Click  to edit and disable the create autonumbering sequence.

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