How to upload marks/grades of students in bulk to NLP?

> Examination > Marks Entry

  1. Click at the top right side of the screen to download the XLS file with the student details and marks/grades, if it is entered. Mark Bulk Upload/Download Excel page will appear.
  2. Select the required Class and Section for which the assessment marks/grades need to be uploaded.
  3. Select the required academic Term in which the assessment was given.
  4. Select the subject(s) from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click DOWNLOAD to download the excel sheet with the student name and marks/grades entered, if any. Existing marks/grades will overwrite if any changes are made in the excel sheet.
  6. Enter the marks/grades of the students for the subjects.
  7. Drag and drop the excel file after filling in the space provided. Or, select the file to be uploaded.
    The excel file with the assessment marks/grades will be uploaded.
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