Marks Entry Overview

> Examination > Marks Entry

After the assessments are over, marks/grades secured by students need to be uploaded to NLP for generating reports and report cards. Marks/grades are entered at the lowest level of examination hierarchy that is defined for the assessment–subject pair. The input type is defined in the examination hierarchy creation. It is recommended to use Excel file to enter marks in bulk. It can be used to view and edit marks.

Marks can be entered for each activity and/or rubric individually or by uploading an Excel file with the marks. Entries can be either marks or grades, depending on the input type that was chosen at the time of the creation of Exam Hierarchy. Once the marks/grades are entered, you will not be able to change the maximum marks and grade system of Exam Hierarchy.

You can change the name of (activity, rubric, sequence, cut off %) before and after entering the marks. Once the marks of the supplementary exams are entered, you cannot change the marks of the assessments.

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